
Features and Benefits

Instant Translation via API

Send your translation files to our API and get back fully translated files in seconds. No manual work required - no delay.

Consistent Style Without a Dictionary

doloc analyzes existing translations to ensure consistent wording and style across your app. Expect great quality without the hassle.

Easy Integration into Development Workflow

Integrate doloc into your build process with a single curl command after extraction. No complex platforms or manual uploads needed.

Reduce Translator Workload

Minimize effort for translators — focus on reviewing instead of translating from scratch.

Accelerate Time to Market

Launch your app internationally faster with instant translations upon development completion. No waiting for translations. No partial translated releases.

Competitive Pricing (Currently Free in Beta)

Enjoy free access during our beta phase — provide feedback and help us improve. Even after beta, expect competitive pricing.l texts translated.

How It Works

1. Extract Your Texts

Export your app’s texts into translation files (XLIFF 1.2/2.0).

2. Send Files to doloc via API

Use a simple API call or curl command to send your files.

3. Receive Translated Files Instantly

Get back the same files with all texts translated.

How to Use doloc

Nothing simpler than doloc for your localisation! Just add the following command after your extraction process:

curl --data-binary @input.xlf -o output.xlf

Note: You might set the output file name to the same as the input file name to overwrite it.

Even though our defaults cover most of the cases, you can apply specific configuration options depending on the file format.

What We Don’t Do — And Why It Matters

While we acknowledge that for different use cases, different solutions are needed, we believe that simplicity is key. Following this principle, we intentionally avoid certain features and complexities in our service. This means there are some things you won’t find when using doloc. If you truly need them, we might not be the right fit for you — and that’s okay.

No Complex User Interfaces

We don’t burden you with intricate dashboards or management systems. Our service operates through a simple API, keeping things straightforward.

No Manual Translation Management

There’s no need to manage translators, assignments, or workflows within doloc. We automate the translation process to save you time.

No Unnecessary Features

We avoid bloated feature sets that complicate your workflow. By focusing on essential functionality, we keep our service efficient and easy to use.

Why This Benefits You

By not trying to be an all-in-one solution, we excel at providing fast, reliable translations that integrate seamlessly into your development process. This means less overhead, fewer distractions, and more focus on your core product.

Contact us

Anything you want to know about doloc? Just reach out to us! We are happy to help you with any questions you have.

[email protected]
