
Options are used to configure the translation process and are defined for each format.

All options have sensible defaults, so you can start without any configuration.

Passing options

Options are passed as query parameters in the URL. For example with the XLIFF 1.2 format, you can pass the untranslated option to translate all units with state needs-translation or without state:

curl https://api.doloc.io?untranslated=no-state,needs-translation --data-binary @input.xlf -o output.xlf

Complex options (DNF)

For some options, you can combine multiple values. In these cases options are separated by comma (,) for an OR combination and by underscore (_) for an AND combination.

This follows the Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF), which means you can not arbitrarily nest combinations, but only use OR at the top level and inside the OR combinations, there can be AND combinations.

For example, the untranslated option for XLIFF 1.2 can be set to no-state_target-equals-source,needs-translation to translate all units that either have no state set and their target equals their source value or have the state needs-translation.